#1 -Header Rotator (261 x 100 pixels: #1 above) $175/mo - 3 month minimum campaign  Your ad is in rotation with other advertisers on the high traffic pages of the site. We can limit your campaign to a specific department or specific pages within the site as well.
#2 - Vertical Ads (150 x 230 pixels: #2 above) $75/mo - homepage $50/mo - inside pages These ads promote your brand and can be linked to any landing page you specify.
Call us at 610.836.1070
#3 -½ Vertical Ads (150 x 115 pixels: #3 above) $35/mo - 3 month minimum campaign These ads can be placed at the top of any department page or at the top of the right column above the Google ads on any page of the site except the homepage. This size ad on the homepage would cost $50/mo with a 3 month minimum campaign.
Call us at 610.836.1070 |

#4 -Billboard (600 x 266 pixels: #4 above) $175/moDominate a directory by using the display space at the top of a page. Great for a short campaign to publicize an event or long term to establish your brand online. We call it The Dominator.
#5 -Skyscrapers (160 x 600: #5 above) $75/mo - 3 month minimum campaign These vertical billboards can be placed throughout the site in the right column of internal pages. Find the page you want to be on and let us know.

Call us at 610.836.1070 |