We grow 75 varieties of heirloom tomatoes.

We make our own delicious tomato sauce, ketchup, raspberry and pumpkin butter from our farm grown ingredients.
SIW Vegetables
4317 South Creek Road Route 100, Chadds Ford, PA
Tel. 610.388.7491
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SIW Blog
How many farm markets do you know that get fan mail? H. G. Haskell's SIW Vegetables does. A woman who moved back to the Valley and missed his quality produce wrote to tell him so. That's unusual. The SIW stand is located right across Route 100 from H. G.'s farm where all of the vegetables are grown. which is probably the reason they taste like they're fresh off the vine. They are. H. G. fans really rave about his corn and tomatoes. I ate an uncooked ear of corn right off cob and can say from experience, it was sweet as sweet could be.
His secret? Well, for one, his farm is 100% drip irrigated including the corn, and he's been doing it for 24 years now. It saves water and man hours. And H.G. says he's doing a lot more no-till planting which reduces the soil erosion. That's interesting, but we all know the taste is the reason those who know make the drive to the SIW Vegetable stand. Take your pick from his tomatoes, corn, squash, melons, peppers and you won't be disappointed. And the sunflowers look like they're right out of a Van Gogh's painting.
Community Supported Agriculture
If you live in the Valley and like fresh vegetables, you may be interested in giving SIW's CSA at try. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. H. G. started it in 2001 and here's how it works. You pay to join. As a member you will get H. G.'s farm fresh food once a week (Tuesday or Wednesday) throughout the growing season which is from late June through mid October. You'll get a little of everything that's in season. You'll also get a 10% discount on anything additional you purchase. Interested? Give H. G. a call at 610.388.0656.
Some CSAs require members to actually work on the farm, but that's not a requirement for SIW CSA membership. However, if you want to drop off the kids or a spouse, H.G. says he has different size hoes and will find something for them to do.
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